Friday, January 22, 2016

Attributes of Christ: Gratitude

This semester in my religion course, we are studying the last half of the Book of Mormon, Alma 30-Moroni 10. This is by far my most favorite part of the Book of Mormon. There is so much to be gleaned from the first half of the Book of Mormon and I certainly feel that I learned so much from studying it last semester, but this last half contains my favorite event: Christ's visit to the Nephites [I]. Among those chapters we learn so much about who Christ is and what some of His attributes are:  
  • Humble
  • Obedient 
  • Healer
  • Kind 
  • Teacher 
  • Courageous
  • Servant
  • Submissive
  • Selfless
  • Full of Love
Christ lives and He embodies all of these qualities and more, perfectly. He invites us to come unto Him and be perfected. [II] As I accept that invitation, I have the opportunity this semester to choose three attributes to work on developing. The first attribute I am working on is "Gratitude: the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful." [III] I think the key word there is being; to be, or become. I am striving to be a grateful person. I have a long, long way to go. 

If I am being honest with myself, I complain much more than I care to admit. I catch myself complaining on a daily basis and complaining is one of my least favorite qualities. I abhor it in others, yet upon introspection, find it abundantly in myself. With this project, I hope to rid myself of the bad habit and turn my murmuring into gratitude. 

My plan of action for doing this is to return to a former habit I once had of listing "Five Gratefuls" each day. I know that this works because I have put it into action at different times throughout my life. In the past, whenever I was feeling down, frustrated, sad, or sorry for myself I would list “FiveGratefuls” which always has seemed to turn my attitude right around and help me focus more on the good, on the beautiful in my life. It’s amazing how that simple act of listing five things/people/experiences that you are grateful for can help you turn outward and lift your spirits. I want to develop this habit to be a daily thing so that I can feel that uplifting spirit every day.

Five Gratefuls

Today I am grateful for:   
  1. A good night’s sleep last night which helped me feel refreshed this morning. 
  2. Gentle promptings of the Spirit.  
  3. The chance to start a fresh new year with new goals and dreams for myself.  
  4.  Abundant Sunshine. ☼☼☼ 
  5. The rare treat of seven uninterrupted hours of peace and quiet all to myself.
 I love this video that portrays so beautifully the Savior's finest attributes and inspires me to try a little harder to be a little better.

I. Jesus Christ did show himself unto the people of Nephi. Comprising chapters 3 Nephi 11-26
II. Moroni 10:32 
III. definition of Gratitude

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