Throughout this week's study of 3 Nephi 12-17, the passages that stuck out to me most came from chapter 14, especially verses 3 Nephi 14:16-23[1] where the Savior teaches about how we will be judged by the fruits of our labors. He warns about those who profess to do His will, but really they are far from Him and he will know them not.
As I studied these verses, I couldn't help but think of the parable of the sheep and the goats. In that lesson the Savior taught that when we serve others we are serving the Lord. It will be because of our good works in the service of others, or the fruits of our labors, that we will be like the sheep in the parable who will be able to stand on His right side. We must be working to do His will; to serve others; to bear one another's burdens; to mourn with those that mourn; to feed the hungry, give drink to those that thirst, to clothe the naked, take in the stranger, and visit the sick and imprisoned. Then, if we bear these good fruits, He will say to us, "Come ye blessed of my father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you." [2]
Because I desire to be on the right side of the Lord, and am striving to do His will, I am working to develop service as my attribute of Christ. And not just service, but service with a cheerful heart. Service without murmuring. Service that radiates the pure love of Christ. This is the desire of my heart. I still have a long way to go. Sometimes my attitude is less than perfect when it's time to feed the missionaries or clean the church building, but I am trying to remember that when I am doing these things, I am doing them for the Lord.
Of all the videos that the church has produced, this video is my #1 favorite. [3] I love this representation of the Savior. I love the Spirit that I feel when I watch this video. My prayer is that the Savior will know me, because of my works; the fruits; the service, that I give to my fellow man.
[1] 3 Nephi 14:16-23
[2] Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, Matthew 25
[3] Ye Have Done It Unto Me, video